Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Online Gradebook Training

As you may know, National Louis University is requesting all faculty members to utilize the D2L Gradebook tool. This includes faculty teaching online courses, blended courses, and face-to-face courses. We understand that this tool may be new to many of NLU’s faculty, but the D2L Gradebook is a wonderful tool to use and not one to be afraid of! However, we know that it can seem daunting to new users. To help with this, we have recently created two new versions of Gradebook training, which we have been offering via live training sessions over the past few months.  And now, we are excited to announce that Gradebook training is now available as an online, self-paced option!

What is it?
OIT has developed two brand new, online training tutorials on the topic of the D2L Gradebook. The two training tutorials will cover a “Basic” and an “Advanced” approach to the gradebook.

The Basic Gradebook Training tutorial will give a general overview of the D2L gradebook, and its features. You will learn how to navigate the gradebook tool, plan your gradebook, set up your gradebook based on your preferences, and enter student grades.  Please Note: This tutorial will cover basic features of the gradebook. If you are already familiar with the gradebook, we recommend viewing the Advanced Gradebook Training.

The Advanced Gradebook Training tutorial will provide a more in depth look at the D2L Gradebook and its features. In this training you will first receive a brief review of the Basic Gradebook Training. In addition to a basic review, you will also learn more advanced tasks such as, how to associate other D2L tools with the gradebook, creating custom grade schemes, and grading with different D2L tools. Please Note: This training will cover advanced features of the gradebook. If you are not yet familiar with the gradebook, we recommend you begin by viewing the Basic Gradebook Training.

Who is it for?
These online training tutorials are for those faculty members who are unable to attend the scheduled face-to-face training sessions; or for those faculty members who would like a refresher on the gradebook tools and functionality.

Basic Gradebook Training: This session is designed for faculty whose grade book needs are simple and straightforward. It will equip faculty to move from an excel spreadsheet or paper grade book to the D2L grade book. This session will benefit faculty who are teaching face to face courses and faculty who have smaller, less complex grade books

Advanced Gradebook Training: This session is designed for faculty with more complex grade book needs. It explores more advanced features of the D2L gradebook. The Advanced Gradebook session would be ideal for faculty members who have fully online courses or a more complex grade book, and are looking for more options and flexibility.

To view the Basic Gradebook Training please click the following link: https://oit.nl.edu/rich_content/LMS/BasicGradebook/BasicGradebook/index.html

To view the Advanced Gradebook Training please click the following link:  https://oit.nl.edu/rich_content/LMS/AdvancedGradebook/AdvancedGradebook/index.html

You may also locate the two versions of online gradebook training, in addition to other training tutorials, any time by visiting the faculty resources webpage at: http://www.nl.edu/t4/lms/facultyresources/.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nicole, thanks for pointing out these resources. Gradebook questions are always important,but they are critical at this time of the year, when instructors are submitting grades from one term at the same time as they are busily updating a course or courses for the coming term.