Thursday, January 28, 2010

Five Media Forms

[From Clive on E-Learning]

Last week I posted on Exploring e-learning in all its forms, which Mark Bethelemy elaborated on in his post From formal courses to social learning. Mark referenced a number of alternative models which somehow led me to Diana Laurillard’s conversational framework. I was particularly taken by Diana’s five media forms:

  1. Narrative media: explain, demonstrate, describe
  2. Interactive media: facilitate reflection, check understanding, encourage exploration, provide feedback
  3. Communicative media: allow exchanges between learners and between learners and tutors
  4. Adaptive media: facilitate experimentation and practice
  5. Productive media: allow learners to articulate, express, demonstrate understanding

I was interested to see what light these categorisations would shed on my understanding of the wide range of learning technologies currently at our disposal. The following table is my attempt at allocating technologies to each of the five categories. I added a column to explain whether e-content would be an input to the activities involved or an output.

Media form

Example learning technologies

The role of content

Narrative media

Online articles and papers, slide shows, podcasts, online videos, software demos

Content is the input

Interactive media

Scenarios, quizzes, games, e-tutorials

Content is the input

Communicative media

Forums, virtual classrooms, email

Content is an output

Adaptive media

Simulations, intelligent tutorials

Content is the input

Productive media

Wikis, blogs, text and media editors

Content is an output

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